Portfolio of work


What Americans Can Learn From Hungary’s Election

In this article I look into similarities developing in the United States which can be found in Hungary’s most recent parliamentary election.


Does Europe Need a European army?

Here you can read my research blog for the on benefits and risks of a European Army (*Unfortunately this article is now behind a paywall. Please click the link to read a PDF version).


Despite the Threat it Faces, Ukraine Was Right to Give Up its Nuclear Weapons

Here you can find my article for the German Marshall Fund of the United States on the Budapest Memorandum and its historical significance with today’s Russia-Ukraine crisis.


Keep Concerns Over Ukraine’s Nuclear Reactors Realistic

Here you can find my op-ed for Breaking Defense on why the reality of the situation in Ukraine is important to keep in mind and can be a cause for a measured response, not panic, in regard to the nuclear scenarios.


Panel Presentation: think.bdpst

Here you can listen to my panel presentation on whether or not we have privacy in the digital world and how public administrations can work to digitize themselves. My panel begins at the 4:00:00 mark. (If button does not work please click here).


The Nuclear Black Market: Unanswered Questions in a Dangerous Topic

Here you can find the preliminary conclusions from the first half of my Fulbright research into illicit nuclear material markets and smuggling.


The Nuclear Black Market: Unanswered Questions in a Dangerous Topic - Presentation video

Here you can find the video presentation from the first half of my Fulbright research into illicit nuclear material markets and smuggling. Click the player on the left to watch or the button below to go to YouTube.

interviews and articles i have contributed to

I was asked for insights into the Russian attack near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear facility.


Jack Kelly: Tracking Illicit Nuclear Material In Europe

Here is a feature article about my Fulbright work from my undergraduate university.